Tuesday, September 24, 2013

I Have a Sick Sense of Humor

...and I'm proud of it.

I admit it.  I'll laugh at jokes about death, disaster, or tragedy.  I'll even laugh at real-life tragedies---including accidents, homocides, rapes, fires and the like.  It's not the tragedies themselves I find amusing, but rather the manner in which a lot of them occur.
A lady causes a wreck on the freeway texting while driving and I'll laugh about it.  Because: How can someone presumably educated and intelligent behave so ignorantly?

A lot of these tragic events are just ridiculous and unnecessary.  The undue recklessness, the overinflated egos, the undisciplined loose cannons, the know-it-all/can-do-all, the quest for one's own pleasures forsaking critical responsibilities.

The babysitter who gets drunk or high and passes out while on the job and a small child has to watch over his baby sister while the parents are still out on-the-town.
I would laugh hysterically upon hearing about it and everyone around me would think I must be demented.  But it's the elements of irony and absurdity that gets to me.

Most of my life, if I got myself in trouble whether out of ignorance or foolishness, others would make fun of me and find my predicament amusing, as if I somehow deserved all the harsh wrath I was getting.  Likewise, when others get in a jam, especially as a result of their own greed or stupidity, I wish to have a good laugh on them.
(Fair is fair.)
Still Throwing Pearls to Swine

One of the greatest miscarriages of modern times is how easily available high-tech gadgets are to the average person.

There are simply too many "genetically-altered" individuals running around in this world, most likely pre-lobotomized while still in the womb (the wonders of laser surgery, I reckon) where they're born minus the mental functions that govern intelligence, discretion, perception, and reason.
These people grow up to plague every aspect of society.

To put a cellphone in the hands of chronically brain-damaged plebeians is a practice in social-engineered cultural destruction.
You have all these twits either texting incessantly or constantly shouting into their cellphones any time anywhere with no sense of circumstantial propriety (or boundaries).

You have idiots at the public library with phone-glued-to-ear running their mouths while sitting in a computer terminal even as others in adjacent terminals are trying to view material themselves.

What about GPSs?  Do you really need to use one while traveling on an interstate highway?  In town, yes. Towns and cities can be laid out a little weird in spots.  But major boulevards and highways?
Learn to read a map already.
Babysitting the Babysitters

Recently I had an exam at the dental clinic of a major university.
Now, the dental clinic itself is a subdivision of the university's (overall) medical center complex.  But even by itself the dental clinic comprises numerous subdivisions of its own.  It, too, as a microcosmic entity, has within its own boundaries numerous other microcosmic entities, each with their own set of plans and rules.

I need work done on a couple of teeth, so (following the basic cleaning and checkup) they referred me to one of those microcosmic worlds within their overall world---specifically the "limited care" division.  Upon which they informed me that this department would call me within the (following) week to set up an appointment.

Well, that "following week" has since come and gone and still no word from limited care.
I guess that means I'll have to be proactive and take it upon myself to try to somehow get in touch with them myself.

I hate this sort of thing: the way I'm always forced to be codependent on someone else and then that other party doesn't come through for me, and I'm, like, eternally stranded and hung-up as a result.

I end up feeling like a small child whose babysitter gets drunk or high while on the job and passes out so I'm looking after my baby sister while my parents are still out-on-the-town.

One shouldn't have to "babysit the babysitters".  Those in-charge need to be more dedicated to their duties and responsibilities.

(CALL, you assholes!)

Tuesday, September 3, 2013


What, exactly, is an "Invent-A-Law"?
It's a law concocted solely for the purpose of controlling people, or to satisfy the whims of a "special interest" faction, as opposed to honestly being in the interest of public safety or dealing with moral character or public behavior like most average quintessential laws (presumably) do.

The worst offenders are usually government agencies and local municipalities.

Take the U.S. Census Bureau's "American Community Survey" for example.  The underlying idea is to gather current information about pubic facilities and services: hospitals, schools, emergency services, businesses, etc., for the purpose of balancing out any inadequacies and filling in any "missing links" where needed.

No problem there.  But they mention "You are required by U.S. law to respond to this survey".  Does this mean that, if you toss out the form or simply ignore it, you stand to be "criminalized"?  A bit extortive don't you think?

While I respect the premise and intent of this project I'm still bothered and miffed by their license to invade our entitlement to freedom-of-choice.
Lonely Existence

One must feel for the bonafide reclusive.

Without any intimate ties to anyone the only human contact made is with strangers in public places.
No-one to talk or behave freely around or to lose one's inhibitions around.  No-one you can trust or who'll trust you.

All interactions with others resemble a board meeting rather than any kind of intimate one-on-one.