Tuesday, October 31, 2017

                                  Musing For Today
One thing that bothers me is the way one's made to feel they have to explain or "justify" anything they do or say.

Why can't one simply do what they do or say whatever they say because it's just their style and honest viewpoint?

I don't like the way I always seem to "owe the other person something".  Who are these people that they seem to have so much command over everything?  They get to decide what goes down.   Why should I have to "answer to" them if they don't "approve of" something I do or have to say?

And why does the world literally hand all these "others" the keys to everything it has to offer while keeping the likes of me caged and boxed in?

And why are these "others" allowed the monopoly on the world's amenities, on even the right to freedom-of-expression and on satisfying basic desires?

They can talk loud and blast their music and televisions without being accused of "disturbing the peace"
They can feel sexual desires without being looked upon as being "perverted" and "lascivious"
They can get outraged or angered or excited or elated and raise their voices or shout and scream without being considered "threatening", "menacing", "annoying" or "imposing".
Whatever their conjectures and however myopic their perspective they still "have the last word on" everything.

What's most bothersome is that when I wish to claim even a minute bit of space for myself they have to shove me aside and claim even that for themselves.

Any time the world takes offense at me it always seems to be when I start expressing myself too freely, or loosening up a bit and becoming more confident, or start expecting entitlements, acting too "uppity".
It's like the real offenses don't really have anything to do with ethics, morals, or "lack of consideration".  It seems to be more about me "muscling my way into their 'monopolies'".
The retaliations are really about putting me back in my "place".

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