Tuesday, August 14, 2018

 Attention Pedestrians!!!!!
A new menace has arisen to further impede our right to move around freely on foot.

...battery-operated mini-scooters!!!

If it wasn't already bad enough that we can't walk anywhere without having to look over our shoulders constantly, on guard for stormtrooper-minded joggers, bicyclists, and skateboarders who seem to come out of nowhere and force us onto the curb or onto the grass or the side of buildings....or tolerate reckless stormtrooper-minded motorists who fly into side streets, parking lots, and alleys without slowing down, signaling, or yielding---with a driveway, alleyway, or side street every 30 feet at that, necessitating a mindset befitting "one driving on a remote two-lane highway known for having unmarked railroad crossings with no lights or gates, and with a speed limit of 60 MPH, on a dark night during a new moon" on our part---along comes this new flood of rich "environmentally conscious" trust-fund twits who abstain from driving so as to "not be responsible for contributing more to global warming", while still being too lazy to walk themselves, with their make-shift version of "alternative transportation".

                Pedestrians, you've been warned!
                                                      Take care, and be safe.

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