Wednesday, December 12, 2018

The problem with those in authority:

They're too much like the censors---they always seem to be misunderstanding things.
They'll regard anything "outside the box" or presented too candidly as being abusive, improper, lewd, predatory, or offensive.

They tend to read "malice" and ill intent into a lot of innocuous and innocent behaviors, conduct, and spoken or written words.
Anything ambiguous or hard to clearly define is automatically interpreted in the most negative light.

They come across too much like domineering metaphorical godparents, the kind who think their offspring to be mindless drones, eternally naive and unaware, sure to go astray without strong punitive discipline and constant direction and correction.
Power-tripping reformers, constantly punishing or correcting those below them.

1 comment:

  1. Don't those in authority actually come across more as "domineering surrogate abusive parents"?
    That would have been a more fitting metaphor, I think.
