Friday, January 11, 2019

C'mon folks, just give the guy his "wall" so that we can all just move on ...
$5 billion.  For most of us that humongous amount of money would be a lifesaver.  We'd be in "seventh heaven" and "total paradise".  Pretty much all OUR worries and concerns would be caught up on and put behind us.  It would be the "good life" for us all the way.  We could start actually LIVING for a change and focus exclusively on our own interests and on making a lifestyle of our own choosing, free from interference from all those pesky invasive outside elements.

But to the U.S. government it's but mere chump change.
When you tally the amount our government routinely wastes on assorted frivolousness, like (for example) granting millions of dollars to universities for various absurd research projects---stuff along the lines of "studying the sex lives of gnats" or "how many beers can a chimpanzee consume in one sitting before reaching the threshold of being considered 'legally drunk' in human comparison" ...not to mention the 2009 corporate bailout of major "too big to fail" companies (initiated by Bush Jr. toward the end of his term, then carried out by the Obama administration shortly after Obama was sworn in), this $5 billion President Trump is asking for to "start building a border wall" doesn't seem like that big a deal after all.

Sure, a bit grandiose and ineffective as any kind of long-term panacea (it would probably take months before construction even begins on it, and even 5 years later it would stand not even half-completed, if not almost abandoned)
...still, a grand gesture of a desire for continued sovereignty on the part of a segment of the U.S. population just the same.

For this reason I think all those concerned should just lump it and vote in favor of financing this President's "wall", however impractical the idea probably is, and end this bullshit partial shutdown and get things moving right along once more
...before this country's algorithms and ecosystem gets any more thrown off-kilter by all this continued systemic atrophy.

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