Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Loaves and Fishes

Here we have an oft-quoted passage from the Bible (John 6: 1-15) about how Jesus transformed a mere two pieces of fish and five thin slices of barley bread into enough to feed a large multitude.

I'm not going to dwell too much on the many ways one could interpret this alleged event.  But I will go ahead and put a couple spins of my own on it:

1) It could be a metaphor for not giving up on an idea or a project due to not having enough resources to carry it out.  To do whatever you can with however many or however few resources you DO have on hand at the time.
Accomplish SOMETHING at least.

2) It could also mean that, as individuals, we alone do not possess enough to carry out agendas and plans.  That we need to pool whatever resources we have with those of a trustworthy agent or benefactor in order to accomplish anything on a grand scale.
Remember, Jesus had "connections" with the One "who created all things in existence".  A synergy with Him could yield most anything, as He has access to the ultimate of unlimited resources.


  1. Or it could be that he performed a miracle and transformed 2 pieces of fish and some bread into enough food to feed 5,000 people and it's not a metaphor at all.

  2. "...has access to the ultimate of unlimited resources".
