Thursday, March 28, 2019

                                               Musing For Today
When someone wrongs us in some way our first response is for "revenge", or a backlash of some kind in response.

Should someone screw with us, or behave spitefully or condescendingly toward us---especially if we've done nothing to deserve it---we relish the thought of somehow "dishing it back" to the offender.  Make them "answer for" what they did to us.

It's at this point where someone from your distant past ought to appear out of nowhere and beg to remind you of that "shoplifting spree" you went on when you were 18 and 19, and that when you were finally caught and nearly ended up with a criminal record for "petty larceny" you lucked out and store security decided against prosecuting and simply banished you from ever being allowed to reenter their establishment.

And now you dare to shamelessly take a "victim" stance because someone "violates" you in some way?  Never mind the reason they did whatever it is they did might be on account of some narcissistic rationale based on some kind of "entitlement" they may feel "deprived of", or maybe an act of "retaliation against the world", or some other kind of foolishness on their part.

This is but yet another reason civilization will never get a handle on the age-old phenomenon of "bullying".  Often the "victims" are not all that "innocent", and the culprits are engaged in their own "revenge" motives when acting out.  
A lot of folks, when they get fucked over enough, start losing (or abandoning) their moral sensibilities. 

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