Saturday, February 29, 2020

So the Trump Administration is finally following through on their threat proposal to cut back on government funding for Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid benefits
...while funneling even more money toward the military

I guess the armed forces have to somehow be compensated for the cost of all those $400 staplers, $640 toilet seats, $10,000 laptops and tablets, $600 screwdrivers, $1500-apiece lug nuts, $7000 coffee makers, .....


  1. Why doesn't this surprise me? Just waiting to see what Boris Johnson does to the NHS.

    1. The Trump Administration is proposing cuts to the Center of Disease Control (the CDC)---in the midst of this exponential global Corona Virus outbreak, no less.

  2. The US has spent a trillion dollars on a dead end war in Afghanistan. That country is known as the graveyard of empires.
