Tuesday, March 13, 2018

     Evolution and Creationism
         ...BOTH are losers
Yes, it is possible for lions and tigers to successfully mate and produce offspring.
However, the offspring produced by such unions are always inherently sterile.  Apparently nature has its own rules about what kind of "deviant" subspecies it will allow and permit.  It has a mind of its own in so many ways.

That's but another reason I'm so dubious toward the concept of Evolution.  The way nature and the cosmos have arranged their natural environments so systematically, obviously planned out strategically to a tee, any kind of process of an interdependent inter-species evolutionary process would be unnecessary, as even terrestrial life forms would have had to have been "blueprinted" in advance as was all the other elements in the universe.

This isn't to say I necessarily support the Creationists' notion of the beginning of life and the elements as stated in Biblical scriptures.  Creationism seems too simplistic a concept to me.  Reality itself is way too involved and complicated to be explained by a mere adherence to the notions espoused by the folklore of ancient texts loosely interpreted centuries ago by those not even familiar with the language of those who wrote the originals, relying on deciphering whatever they could the best way possible.

Finding the facts is clearly the domain of a science unfettered and unblemished by the dogmas of "established facts" such as the Evolution theories, Creationism, and others like them.

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