Thursday, March 29, 2018

Explain something to me:

Why is it, whenever I'm walking around, every time I have to cross a side street, parking lot entrance(/exit), or alley entrance, some motorist is either turning onto the area from the main drag----or racing up to the area from around a corner or "out of nowhere" to exit onto the main drag from the side street, alley, or parking lot
....and (invariably) cutting me off in the process, causing me to have to wait for them to go by before I can continue on my way?

If these were occasional incidents I wouldn't give it much thought.  But it's EVERY DAMN TIME I walk anywhere.
What's up with these folks that they can't go by a moment earlier or a moment afterwards?  Why the convergence RIGHT AT THE VERY MOMENT I'M WALKING BY?
What's the purpose in all this?  What does this shit accomplish anyway?

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