Tuesday, March 13, 2018

                             Musing For Today
A little enlightenment on the "Me Too" issue and its mindset was given me by an anonymous source:

It was like when Jesus, when asked about his stand on taxation, stated "Render unto Caesar that which belongs to Caesar, and unto God that which belongs to God".

You see an attractive lady and you're pondering how to go about making her "yours"
...but if you try to "claim" her body she'll have to guard it against you and your wishes, as wherever her body goes so goes her very being.

Like it or not, "Julie" is not for you to just "take" or "borrow" at will, no matter how much you wish you could just "have her for yourself".  Unless "Julie" is willing to share part of herself with you, or even willingly "give herself away" to you, you'll just have to settle for "rendering unto 'Julie' that which belongs to 'Julie'".

...o-o-o-o--kay ...
...an interesting perspective on the concept of this issue ...
...I'll dwell a bit on it ....


  1. I still have my misgivings about this "Me Too" movement.

    To me it still seems like little more than a bastion for spoiled women who've never learned to just "take their lumps" in life.

    Sure, it can be annoying to have someone "get in your face" over some trivial matter while you're trying to go about your day-to-day routine, or even trying to tend to some serious matter.
    But it's also important to learn to be a little "forgiving" once in a while.

    Nature "gets a hold of" all of us from time to time, and certain urges and desires are hard to ignore or just "shake off". One can't just be dishonest with oneself and simply pretend such urges/desires "don't exist" or will just "blow away" given enough time.
    And sometimes these desires can make one behave like a jerk.
    But still, one shouldn't be going so far as to try to destroy another person's life over even a serious bout of lack-of-self-discipline.

    The way I see it, for those otherwise more-fortunate-than-most-people to act like they've somehow been "marginalized" because they had to endure being "hit upon" or have "hints dropped on them" by someone they themselves don't find attractive is somewhat of a slap-in-the-face to those who actually DO have to routinely compromise themselves on a regular basis.

    But that's the nature of spoiled brats---the first time someone asks them to "pick up after themselves" they raise a shit-fit and have a major "meltdown" because they're so used to having others clean up after them.
    Some people just refuse to "take their lumps" like everyone else.

  2. Hmm, I can tell this post has been written by a man. :D

    1. Essentially I'm, more or less, implying that a lot of these women can often be just as wicked as the guys they're complaining about, even if in a different manner.

      These days everyone seems to be "at war with" one another, each one blaming the other for their woes.
      And it is true that a lot of people are quite disrespectful to one another (okay, yes, another reason the "Me Too" movement exists in the first place).

      On another note: I've also noted how many of those women are still otherwise doing quite well in life socially and financially. They live well, have nice clothes, nice cars, travel abroad a lot par-for-the-course, and the like.
      I often get jealous of those who (at least seemingly) have managed to receive or enjoy a lot of amenities of the world I've either missed out on, or have only experienced once or twice in my life.

      I also understand my viewpoints can often be quite vainglorious, narcissistic, and subjective (a.k.a.: as seen from my vantage point), but I'm doing no-one any favors by denying I can often have certain feelings and attitudes, or by feigning a righteousness that doesn't always exist in me.
