Wednesday, October 21, 2020


A Presidential election, no less.

Cue up ELECTED by Alice Cooper and ELECTION DAY by Arcadia

With COVID-19 so rampant why are some establishments not replenishing the hand soap in their restrooms?

Or restaurants not continuing to thoroughly wipe down the seats or sweep up crumbs or debris off the floor?

Everyone's going back to their old habits again.  Even spitting on the pavement and throwing litter and garbage on the ground and in the streets.


  Stop The Spread

Use Soap and Water For at Least 20 Seconds

...yeah, like I bring a stop-watch with me everywhere I go just so I can time myself each time I wash my hands in a public restroom.

...also: how does one press the "start" button with both hands lathered up?

Friday, October 16, 2020
 a Jew living in an anti-Semitic land ....

The U.S. is clearly a country that doesn't value its own people very much (if at all).

Those-in-charge regard most of us as "expendable" and are ready to dispose of any one of us who winds up becoming "too much of a problem or burden".

I think that's the REAL story behind the likes of George Floyd and Brianna Taylor.  It's why the police officers involved were so unabashed and had no compunction about what they did.  They didn't figure on anyone caring any more about these peons and mediocre "nobodies" than they normally do about all the other "100 million or so a year" who get similar treatment simply because "they're not anyone who matters anyway".

Racism may or may not also be involved, but socioeconomic status for sure played a big part in the officers' attitudes toward these individuals.

This "COVID craze" has taken over so much all other health and safety issues are getting "lost in the shuffle", so to speak.

For example: You have a dental appointment, you get to the office and are told to "Wait in your car until we call or text you".  You don't have a SmartPhone, and the phone you do have you left at home.

Plus you either walked or took the bus to the clinic, so you have to ask what exact time you may re-enter the office so you can check on your watch and come back in at said exact time.

In short, you may find yourself standing in the rain or in sub-zero temperatures for a good 10 minutes to half an hour in the name of "health concerns" and "public safety".


a) Pull your facemask down under your chin, making sure others around you are at least 6 feet or more away

b) Blow loogie onto pavement

c) Immediately pull facemask back up over both mouth and nose to ensure continued safety of those around you


Friday, August 21, 2020

        To all you flag-wavers out there:

I never really thought of the U.S. as a "Land of Opportunity" or as "The Land of the Free and the Brave"

...and I never viewed it as a place of "Liberty and Justice for All"

I just think it's pretty much like most any other country:  another "Socialist Republic" type society, concerned mostly with its "system" and the protocols within, one adherent to its own taboos with their dogmas and stigmas, and comprising the usual social ranking among its citizenry---nurturing and supporting the "important" ones who "matter" while disregarding and ignoring those considered "in the way" or just plain "useless".  And willing to "lock away" anyone deemed a "nuisance" or a "menace".

Any time I hear a flag-waver go on about "our great Constitution and Bill of Rights" or how "America is the greatest country in history" I get the image of either a "snake oil salesman" making grandiose claims about his products or of a pick-up artist who, after spotting a pretty lady at a bar or restaurant, moseys on over to her and starts boasting and bragging about himself and how "great" he is (along with all his other "virtues" and accomplishments) in hopes he'll make a good enough impression on her she'll either go home with him or take him home with her.

Likewise, the U.S. comes across as this pompous megalomaniac country constantly trying overzealously to impress the rest of the world with how "great" it is and how "superior" its brand of government is compared to everyone else's.

                                             I'll make it clear ....

I believe the COVID-19 virus is real and quite the threat and menace they say it is.

However, I also believe the government and pharmaceutical companies are taking advantage of the crisis to advance a few agendas of their own.

I also believe that covert world government organizations are taking advantage of this current situation for purposes of social experimentation, using the world's population as "guinea pigs" and "lab rats", to test how far they can succeed in various endeavors at psychological control of large masses at one time (like a "hands off" brand of psycho-tyranny).

And, while I believe face masks to be somewhat effective at stifling the spread of COVID-19, I still don't think of them as being so on the level the media and medical experts are touting them to be (ever-so-passionately).  They're more along the line of the best "better than nothing" solution they can come up with at this time (I'm guessing a 30% to 40% effectiveness rate).

Hardly an "ultimate panacea".

 Back in the 1980s, when all those layoffs from various industries occurred, you would see images of people standing in line at the soup kitchens waiting for a free meal.

Now, in 2020, with all the business closures due to COVID-19, you once again see charitable outfits passing out "care packages" to those suffering financial loss resulting from no longer receiving paychecks, comprising food and basic essentials.

But it's not people standing in line one sees----it's a line of cars, backed up for blocks around, waiting for volunteers to walk up to their window with the goods.

There's an element of irony in observing folks in $40,000 late-model vehicles being in need of food and public assistance "My God, I can't even afford to pay my cable and phone bill this month!  If it wasn't for these 'heroes' I wouldn't even have food on the table for my family!  After this month all the money will run out---I won't even be able to make my rent!

I hope the washer and dryer in the basement holds out.  I can't afford to get those fixed either.  I think I still have enough to afford gas for the car."

Thursday, August 13, 2020

                  Defund The Police(????)

The government and authorities have, for the longest time, been seemingly quite helpless in their ability to get rid of the gangs, drug dealers, illegals entering into the U.S., or to do anything about the overall plague of civil violence

...yet let you or I do anything fucked-up, or even as much as cross the wrong person, and---VOILA!---the police suddenly appear out of the woodwork, law books in hand and dusted off to be thrown directly at us.

It is said that true anarchy is being ruled over not by written laws but by the wayward whims of the strongest and most physically aggressive, the charismatic flim-flammers, the most physically attractive and aesthetically-appealing, those who have tons of money and influence, the most prosperous, the most favored

...sort of like the classroom and a lot of work places.

 Those who considered the quarantine of last March and April to be an "extended vacation" ...

...You obviously:

---live in a house you either own or rent.   Clearly your place of residence is not a small unit inside an apartment building

---drive your own vehicle.  You're not solely dependent on buses, subways, light rail, or commuter trains when needing to get around

---can afford cable/satellite TV and Internet service, making virtual interactions and online shopping possible.  You'd never need to leave the comfort of your enclave or abode just to go shopping, run errands, or make appointments

---live in the suburbs or in a small town.  You don't have to endure continual urban noise of populated areas, still-ongoing construction projects, or traffic in and out of "essential" businesses.

---own your own washer and dryer---conveniently located in your basement or utility room.   No need to leave your comfortable surroundings to truck down to any commercial coin laundry "just to wash your clothes".  Everything you need is always on hand.

                                              Adage For Today

Don't drop too much in someone's lap.  The weight just might paralyze them, then they won't be able to do anything

Thursday, July 2, 2020

If ever asked to be a "Contact Tracer" I'd simply state that the fee for my services runs $800 a day----CASH ONLY!

Did the officials honestly figure on me doing any of their "dirty work" for free while they receive the paychecks (or profits)?
                         Classic Hobson's Choice
Attempting to stave off an aggressive migratory mega-virus with a Napoleonic/Genghis Khan demeanor, but not being able to do so without throwing the economic and cultural ecosystems into disarray.
The city of Columbus Ohio has dismantled and removed all statues of Christopher Columbus
...cue up GOODBYE COLUMBUS by The Association

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

                         Social Distancing
  (Except for protesters, rioters, and construction workers.  Also, they don't need to wear masks either.)

Americans are already a stand-offish, somewhat intra-alienated people anyway.

Social disparity has always been the norm ("George Floyd" anyone?), and most people congregate primarily with their "own kind" (as a rule), showing either disinterest or insensitivity toward anyone who lives or thinks differently from the way they and their friends/lovers/close relatives do.

Plus Americans are immensely "communication deficient" by nature.
They have this inexplicable aversion to transparency, and any kind of display of compassion or empathy toward anyone outside their personal or social sphere usually has an air of disingenuous undertones about it.
I wonder how much loyalty Trump supporters still have for the illustrious Commander-In-Chief after having pledged $2-trillion-plus in aid to "keep the American economy going" last March and April.

Definitely a 180-degree turnaround from earlier this year.
Had to suffer all those addresses on national television he gave at the time.
Surely the 'Pres is one of the most gauche speakers I've ever heard.  One wonders, with such a lack of charisma, how he manages to garner so many followers.

Are "spending cuts" still on hold, or is everything going "back to normal" enough to resume the illusions of "economic progress"?
            This New Age Of Ultra-hygienics
If there's one thing to be said about the COVID-19 pan(ic)demic it's the way so many individuals and businesses have suddenly become aware of germs, bacteria, and viruses, and of the importance of keeping things clean and wiped down.

It's like the whole culture has taken a crash course in remedial High School Biology 101.

It was only a few months ago when customers who patronized restaurants, bars, coffee shops had to brush crumbs off the table when they sat down to eat or drink.
Now the employees are wiping down tables, booths, and chairs EVERY TIME they get used, and are spraying counters and door handles with disinfectant spray constantly.

Gone, too, are the days of mindless slobs coughing and sneezing without covering their mouths and face.
Of course it's rather hard to cough and sneeze openly while wearing face masks.

Saturday, February 29, 2020

So the Trump Administration is finally following through on their threat proposal to cut back on government funding for Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid benefits
...while funneling even more money toward the military

I guess the armed forces have to somehow be compensated for the cost of all those $400 staplers, $640 toilet seats, $10,000 laptops and tablets, $600 screwdrivers, $1500-apiece lug nuts, $7000 coffee makers, .....
                                                G . M . O .
                     Genetically  Mutated  Oddities
"The definition of 'insanity' is doing the same thing over and over and expecting  a different result each time"
For those who adhere to this axiom there are two things I want you to do:

1) Go to a nice restaurant in any major city and order a beer with your meal

2) On another occasion go to a nice restaurant in a town within a dry county and order a beer with your meal
...hey, settling for "pie and coffee" is just fine, too

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

                  The original "nazis"

Long before World War II, or Hitler, or the actual Nazi party itself, you had the ancient Mayans who routinely sacrificed "expendable" individuals in their efforts to "please their gods" by either tossing them into the pit of an active volcano or off a high cliff, or subjecting them to various types of physical mutilations including dismembering body parts, or simply burying them alive. 

Then you had ancient Rome throwing Christians to the lions at their arenas to amuse a huge audience (and, after Rome became a Christian nation itself, it would be the non-Christians getting persecuted).

And let's not forget the Inquisition and the way heretics, social misfits, and non-believers were burned alive at the stakes.
To say nothing about 1692 Salem.

Who committed all these atrocities?  Why, mainly the "normal people"---by way of the officials of their society who acted as their "agents" on behalf of not only the cultural narratives of the time, or of the social mores and dogmas, but also of the "mob mentality" of the majority "average" whose beliefs and prejudices ruled the day.

In short:
The true "nazis" are simply, ultimately, the "normal" people.  The dutifully "upstanding" and "morally/socially flawless" ones society values and favors.

The "norms" are the "master race" who get to judge anyone considered "inferior" ("cultural interlopers": anyone deemed a "nuisance", a "threat", or any "oddball" who can't seem to "fit in" properly) and determine what ways to either "remove them from society" or at least "keep some kind of a sharp vigil on them" when they're out and about.

And the job of the government, authorities, and lawmakers is to be the "right-hand men" of all these "normals" and to write and enforce laws which cater to all their wishes, whims, ideals, dogmas, customs, and beliefs.  And to go after, apprehend, and possibly punish any designated "cultural interloper" and see to it that they're properly put in their "designated place".

In any society you'll always find that the "master race" always rules.
The saga of "The Great Greta" continues ...

"Thunny" honey:
Where are you when we need you?

You never meet with the government leaders of India or China whose "carbon footprints" way exceed those of most other countries.

And your efforts are focused solely on governments and industries and their environmental indiscretions, but not on the acts of individual citizens committing environmental atrocities of their own.

Next time you're in New York City head down to the platform of a MTA subway station and stake out the activity transpiring there.
Upon observing anything unsavory----like, for example, some uncultured uncouth slob pig wolfing down a bag of Cheetos and guzzling a can of soda pop who then throws the bag and can off the platform right onto the tracks without even the slightest compunction
....walk right up to that person and lean into them full-force about their "lack of accountability" and the detrimental effects such behavior has, especially when multiplied repeatedly and exponentially.

...or stroll down Wall Street or Park Avenue and accost everyone you witness throwing cigarette butts onto the sidewalk and grass.  Cigarette butts leave quite a "carbon footprint" of their own.

We need you to do this and be our spokesperson as we don't dare ever take on this challenge ourselves, as we are but "average" folk with no clout or authority, and stand to get shanked, or pummelled (a.k.a.:  get out heads kicked in or beaten to a pulp)
...and the police are no help to us either---they'd simply arrest US for "engaging in talk or acts known to incite violent behavior in others" (in the U.S. doing or saying anything that "offends another" is considered the worst thing a person can do.  Well, maybe the SECOND "worst thing" a person can do----right behind anything involving genitals or any type of candid expression of one's sexual desires in a public setting).

....but you could take on this challenge, being that you are a high-profile individual, and that you'd simply be "extending your international environmental crusade".
You wouldn't have to fear arrest the same way we would, given that the whole world is already aware of your agenda----and if any thug type stabs, shoots, or beats the crap out of you, well problem!  The authorities would go out of their way to use whatever resources they have available to track down the culprits, and the chances of their being caught would be that much greater, given your value to the world and the fact that "all eyes of the world would be on them".  High-profile celebrity types always have a better chance at obtaining justice from the world.

In short:
Your world-wide status enables you to do what most of us don't dare, to "fill in the gaps" of whatever modicum of social justice there is left in the world.
February's already half-gone.
        Where does all the time go?

Oh, I know:
It gets stolen by all who give me the runaround, or who hold out on me, and by all the times I have to "wait my turn" and then never "hear my name called".

My time gets robbed by all those I'm forced to be codependent on who put me on THEIR schedule when they're inefficient and don't know how to handle time very well.

                                                   Musing For Today
The way I define "Responsibility":  Something needs to be done or taken care of, and apparently no-one else is gonna do it, so I guess I'll have to be the one who fixes the problem.

                                                                                Adage For Today
                                                         Life in 21st century America
                           ....a sample of what life must have been like during the Inquisition

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

One thing I don't get about health care professionals:
Why is it if you're slim, not overweight, or diabetic they figure you to be "in perfect health"?
And why do they think that "drugs and alcohol addiction" are the only major health issues facing the average person?

I mention "mental health problems" and a diagnosis of "schizophrenia" to a provider and they'll ask me 
"Do you ever hear voices inside your head?"
"Yes, I do!  They tell me 'Beware of health care professionals who stereotype their patients instead of taking the time to get to know them better'"

"Have you ever taken any drugs or do you often consume any alcohol?"
"No drugs.  But I will occasionally buy a six-pack of Stella." 
"So ....... How long have you had this addiction to alcohol?"
"Come again?"  ..............

                                                      Adage For Today
Any time what's going down is someone else's idea, that's when you're served a salad with poisonous mushrooms

Once is enough
     Twice is too much
            Three times or more we're at war

That plasma center next door is not a very good neighbor.

For starters, the building's central air system is absurdly loud, with one of the fans emitting a penetratingly low frequency rumble with excessively grating overtones.  And this system turns on and off regularly 24/7.

Then there's the dumpster truck that comes by at least three times a week at five o'clock in the morning to collect (what I assume to be) the biological waste
 ...full "body slam" and high-pitched intermittent "beeping" to "alert others" when backing up (as if there could be that much of a high volume of traffic in an alley at that time of day).

Then the delivery trucks rumblin' up to to the loading docks blowing their air horns upon arrival.

If living in an apartment building doesn't entail enough noise pollution, what with loud tenants---who've never been taught the difference between "inside voice" and "outside voice"---having their loud conversations in the hall to the traffic noise coming off the main arteries running by the building as well as from various vehicles using the back alley as some kind of "alternative route" to the congested main drags, these activities surrounding the plasma center are adding their fair share to the detracting of any quality-of-life potential this residential unit I reside in could of potentially had.

It's a shame, though.  I USED to regularly frequent plasma centers around the country myself when bumming my way place-to-place when I was younger.  Feels a bit hypocritical on my part to be complaining about one now.

Apartment Building Rules


     This isn't a residential building----it's practically a fuckin' convent and monastery
To the server who displays subtle contemptuous attitude towards me your husband abuses you a lot.  Of course I realize your marriage must obviously not been one of free choice or free will.  It was probably a "shotgun wedding" or court-ordered.  It couldn't be because you, maybe, have no aptitude for judging other people's character and just may be one who's easy to take advantage of're clearly stressed out from all the responsibilities of raising your kids.  All the expenses, and that you never seem to have any time left over for yourself.  The hours they take from you.  And you get by on little sleep.  You have to cart one kid to soccer practice, another to dance class, anther to music lessons.  What a hassle!
I can see why you're so resentful about all this.  Obviously you don't really enjoy your domestic obligations, or actually being in the company of your children.  I'm guessing you probably didn't really WANT any of your three children in the first place.  Obviously you must of only gotten pregnant via being repeatedly raped.

I can see why I should feel obliged to "feel really bad for you".  Why your personal issues should be "MY problem".  
As an "undesirable" person my lot in life is to be held accountable for whatever is wrong with the lives of all those around me.  It makes sense that I be deserving of all the wrath, slighting, and spiting you can dish out to me.
Yes, lady, your problems really ARE "all my fault".
                 Fundamentals Of Life

 One is either

...a performer or in the audience

...a driver/pilot or a passenger

...a causation or one affected

...a builder or an occupant who breaks or one who fixes inventor or one using the product

...a servant/merchant or a customer delivering or one receiving

...a writer or a reader

...a physician or a patient

...a professional or a client

...a speaker or one hearing/listening

...a producer or a consumer

                                                     Another site to check out:
                                                                     … and, yet, another one:

I know not how many of you are aware of this, but ...

...our society's at war.  Not with the Middle East.  Nor with North Korea.  Nor with China.

I'm talking about the eternally ongoing war within.  One that's always been active since time eternal.  The one between the citizens themselves.
It's usually a "cold civilian war" for the most part, although still volatile enough to erupt into isolated violent encounters under turbulent enough circumstances or situations.

The animosity is always present, even if normally covertly and clandestinely glossed over.
And you can never tell who your adversaries may be.  Like in any other type of guerrilla warfare the enemies often disguise themselves as just regular "average 'Joes' and 'Janes'".  You never know who is liable to just go off on you for "saying the wrong thing", or just because they "don't like" how you behave, how you walk, or how you look, or whatever.

You never know who might be slandering you behind your back, who's figuring out how to rip you off----or how to get you fired, evicted, or arrested.  Or who's poisoning or contaminating your food or drink when you eat out (all while acting friendly or cordial face-to-face).

You just never know who may "have it in for you" or why, or whether occasional discordant interactions may have a tinge of discrimination about them.

Everyday life can often be sort of along the same line as the early 20th-century Second Boer war, if you stop to think about it.  
Recent Studies Show The Water Supply Of Numerous Major U.S. Cities To Contain Dangerous Toxins
Actually, I pretty much figured this one out myself a long time ago.

...the rashes I often get and the way my eyes sting after showering

...that I used to only have to change the filter on the BRITA pitcher once every two months.  Now, for the last two years or so, it's once every six weeks

...that I dare not brew coffee with anything but BRITA water.  Otherwise it tastes like a high school chemistry lab project gone awry

...that when I run rinse water in the second basin of my kitchen sink when doing dishes it's always extremely cloudy

As usual, the media only finally gets around to revealing serious problems after they've been ongoing for years.

A Letter to Greta Thunberg

Dear Ms. Thunberg:

I wish to bring to your attention one group you should also be chiding and scolding---slovenly ill-bred pig fuckers misguided plebeians who freely spit, throw trash, and toss cigarette butts on public sidewalks.
One can't even sit down in the bus shelters due to all the half-empty cans, bottles, and fast-food wrappers all over the benches.  And you have all that garbage under your feet wherever you stand.

Before I continue on ...
One fact about the average U.S. proletariat:  their parents never teach them manners and etiquette, nor respect and consideration for others, or how to properly share public spaces.  All they're ever taught is "entitlement".  Everything "belongs to them", and others around them either "Get out of my way!"---or else "You're being inciting", or "You're asking for trouble", should that other person dare to try to stand their ground (or continue doing whatever it is they're doing).

"Respect and consideration for others" are but an onus the lower-caste interlopers of society are on the hook for.  Everyone else seems to be allowed to freely do as they wish without compunction, conscience, guilt, or shame.  Even the upper-echelons are taught "success is a matter of 'favoritism' and 'knowing how to trample others in order to get ahead'".

In short:  
It is my feeling and opinion that these shameless scofflaws are adding just as much to the overall collective "carbon footprint" as are the industries and energy companies you so get all-hyped-up over.
And I'd like to see you give a piece of your mind to this sector of the "private U.S. citizenry" in the familiar trademark manner you've become so famous for.

Tal Hartsfeld
(disgruntled sociopathic misanthrope extraordinaire)
One thing I've noticed when in coin laundries ....
Why is it some patrons will put their clothes in the machine (especially the washer) and then drive off somewhere?
What if they get in a wreck while they're out?