Saturday, February 29, 2020

So the Trump Administration is finally following through on their threat proposal to cut back on government funding for Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid benefits
...while funneling even more money toward the military

I guess the armed forces have to somehow be compensated for the cost of all those $400 staplers, $640 toilet seats, $10,000 laptops and tablets, $600 screwdrivers, $1500-apiece lug nuts, $7000 coffee makers, .....
                                                G . M . O .
                     Genetically  Mutated  Oddities
"The definition of 'insanity' is doing the same thing over and over and expecting  a different result each time"
For those who adhere to this axiom there are two things I want you to do:

1) Go to a nice restaurant in any major city and order a beer with your meal

2) On another occasion go to a nice restaurant in a town within a dry county and order a beer with your meal
...hey, settling for "pie and coffee" is just fine, too

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

                  The original "nazis"

Long before World War II, or Hitler, or the actual Nazi party itself, you had the ancient Mayans who routinely sacrificed "expendable" individuals in their efforts to "please their gods" by either tossing them into the pit of an active volcano or off a high cliff, or subjecting them to various types of physical mutilations including dismembering body parts, or simply burying them alive. 

Then you had ancient Rome throwing Christians to the lions at their arenas to amuse a huge audience (and, after Rome became a Christian nation itself, it would be the non-Christians getting persecuted).

And let's not forget the Inquisition and the way heretics, social misfits, and non-believers were burned alive at the stakes.
To say nothing about 1692 Salem.

Who committed all these atrocities?  Why, mainly the "normal people"---by way of the officials of their society who acted as their "agents" on behalf of not only the cultural narratives of the time, or of the social mores and dogmas, but also of the "mob mentality" of the majority "average" whose beliefs and prejudices ruled the day.

In short:
The true "nazis" are simply, ultimately, the "normal" people.  The dutifully "upstanding" and "morally/socially flawless" ones society values and favors.

The "norms" are the "master race" who get to judge anyone considered "inferior" ("cultural interlopers": anyone deemed a "nuisance", a "threat", or any "oddball" who can't seem to "fit in" properly) and determine what ways to either "remove them from society" or at least "keep some kind of a sharp vigil on them" when they're out and about.

And the job of the government, authorities, and lawmakers is to be the "right-hand men" of all these "normals" and to write and enforce laws which cater to all their wishes, whims, ideals, dogmas, customs, and beliefs.  And to go after, apprehend, and possibly punish any designated "cultural interloper" and see to it that they're properly put in their "designated place".

In any society you'll always find that the "master race" always rules.
The saga of "The Great Greta" continues ...

"Thunny" honey:
Where are you when we need you?

You never meet with the government leaders of India or China whose "carbon footprints" way exceed those of most other countries.

And your efforts are focused solely on governments and industries and their environmental indiscretions, but not on the acts of individual citizens committing environmental atrocities of their own.

Next time you're in New York City head down to the platform of a MTA subway station and stake out the activity transpiring there.
Upon observing anything unsavory----like, for example, some uncultured uncouth slob pig wolfing down a bag of Cheetos and guzzling a can of soda pop who then throws the bag and can off the platform right onto the tracks without even the slightest compunction
....walk right up to that person and lean into them full-force about their "lack of accountability" and the detrimental effects such behavior has, especially when multiplied repeatedly and exponentially.

...or stroll down Wall Street or Park Avenue and accost everyone you witness throwing cigarette butts onto the sidewalk and grass.  Cigarette butts leave quite a "carbon footprint" of their own.

We need you to do this and be our spokesperson as we don't dare ever take on this challenge ourselves, as we are but "average" folk with no clout or authority, and stand to get shanked, or pummelled (a.k.a.:  get out heads kicked in or beaten to a pulp)
...and the police are no help to us either---they'd simply arrest US for "engaging in talk or acts known to incite violent behavior in others" (in the U.S. doing or saying anything that "offends another" is considered the worst thing a person can do.  Well, maybe the SECOND "worst thing" a person can do----right behind anything involving genitals or any type of candid expression of one's sexual desires in a public setting).

....but you could take on this challenge, being that you are a high-profile individual, and that you'd simply be "extending your international environmental crusade".
You wouldn't have to fear arrest the same way we would, given that the whole world is already aware of your agenda----and if any thug type stabs, shoots, or beats the crap out of you, well problem!  The authorities would go out of their way to use whatever resources they have available to track down the culprits, and the chances of their being caught would be that much greater, given your value to the world and the fact that "all eyes of the world would be on them".  High-profile celebrity types always have a better chance at obtaining justice from the world.

In short:
Your world-wide status enables you to do what most of us don't dare, to "fill in the gaps" of whatever modicum of social justice there is left in the world.
February's already half-gone.
        Where does all the time go?

Oh, I know:
It gets stolen by all who give me the runaround, or who hold out on me, and by all the times I have to "wait my turn" and then never "hear my name called".

My time gets robbed by all those I'm forced to be codependent on who put me on THEIR schedule when they're inefficient and don't know how to handle time very well.

                                                   Musing For Today
The way I define "Responsibility":  Something needs to be done or taken care of, and apparently no-one else is gonna do it, so I guess I'll have to be the one who fixes the problem.

                                                                                Adage For Today
                                                         Life in 21st century America
                           ....a sample of what life must have been like during the Inquisition