Wednesday, August 21, 2019

I often wonder about where I belong in this world.
I'm never really sure what my place is, where I really should be ....

>I'm too subversive, deviant, and lascivious to exist among the decent, respectable, moral, and cultured

>Yet I'm also too fair-minded, sensitive, compassionate, and ethical to exist among the depraved's like I have nowhere to go.  I don't actually belong ANYWHERE.  There's no place for me.
                              Another Musing for you all
I notice there are still a lot of parents teaching their offspring good manners, about morals, responsibility, good work ethics, diligence, respect and consideration, fairness, decency, cooperation and sharing with others ...
And, while they're still young, a lot of preteens seem far more well-mannered, helpful, conscientious, and considerate than many adults you'll run into.

I wonder ..... 
What happens to a lot of those individuals later on, though? ....
Do they just, one day, decide "Hey, I'm grown up now.  I don't need this do-goody 'Romper Room' crap anymore.  I'm living in the REAL world now---I have to start being more realistic and down-to-earth.  From here on in it'll all be 'dog-eat-dog' and having to constantly 'one-up' those around me to keep from being swindled, scammed, and taken advantage of."?

...and they start being more aggressive, petulant, insensitive, rude, conspiring?
Landlords and apartment building managers-----always looking for an excuse to evict (or penalize) you:

>For being a day late or a dollar short on your rent

>For committing "vandalism" if there's as much as a scratch on the wall

>For "living in filth and squalor" if they as much as notice a layer of dust on any surfaces, or coffee drips on the floor

Like most any authority figure they're primarily into controlling and punishing, so even if you're not actually or intentionally doing anything wrong, that's simply a challenge to them to figure out a way to trip you up or entrap you somehow.  

Saturday, August 3, 2019

I don't like the current crop of Liberty Mutual commercials.  They're no longer amusing.  They've become too stale, too bland.

I wish they'd bring back the ones they were showing, like, two or three years ago.  Those were great---downright hilarious, some of them were:

>The college girl wearing a second-hand dress who named her car "Brad"---then TOTALED "him".  While lamenting "Brad's" demise and passionately reminiscing "how close the two of them were" she "gets a call from Liberty Mutual", then "breaks into her 'happy dance'"---New Car Replacement
...I have to assume a follow-up to that might be "Good-bye 'Brad', hello 'Jack'" (her brand-new "replacement" car)

>The professionally-dressed temperamental career woman getting all pissy because her insurance company raised her rates and refused to provide her a "new car replacement" after she smashed her brand-new sports car into a tree

Bring back "Brad" and "Research" their entirety, not the edited 30-second versions
                                   Musing For Today
I believe we should eliminate government spending ....
The government should not be spending taxpayer dollars should be INVESTING them instead:

>Repairing and restoring the nation's infrastructure (roads, power grid, pipelines, sewer systems, and so forth)

>Improve and enhance urban public transit systems

>Establish a national tax-funded single-payer health care network

>Secure our international borders once and for all.
Strict enforcement of Customs and Immigration laws.  Quit allowing "stray cat" outsiders into our country when we already have enough of our own who also need help and support

>Reinstate and/or restore  critical health and safety regulations

As for the beneficiaries of government spending:
>Senators, governors, mayors, and members of Congress will just have to start paying out of their own pockets to take their "trophy" families on those frequent overseas vacations they gotten too so used to over the decades years

>Universities will have to start using the profits from their commercial venues (sports and concert arenas, shopping centers, various residential and commercial properties) to further fund future research projects

>Corporations and the military will have to learn to become more financially self-sufficient on their own

Biblical Version
He who walks with the wise grows wise, but a companion of fools suffers harm

Secular Version
One's viewpoints, attitudes, and behaviors are mostly determined by whose "books" one's been "reading" lately