Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Responsibility (revisited)

Why I dread it so much any time I need to take care of something:

Most tasks look to be simple enough in concept and theory
...but when trying to carry them out you end up going through more steps than even someone performing brain surgery.

I remember my junior high math teacher telling the class how he "feels really bad for anyone who either can't take algebra in high school or takes it and ends up failing it" because, as he put it, "if one can't understand algebra they'll never be able to fully make sense out of how things work in the real world".

Do I need to mention I'm among those who failed algebra?


  1. I'm proud to say that when I was in high school I failed algebra three times. Trying to pound a round peg into the standard square hole. I think I understand the world well enough without knowing the answer to X + Y2 = ?

    1. Sometimes I think the real problem is that our lives are frequently sabotaged by unknown persons or sources, so when things don't happen the way they should we wind up either thinking we lost our minds, or wondering what we did wrong.
