Wednesday, August 21, 2019

                              Another Musing for you all
I notice there are still a lot of parents teaching their offspring good manners, about morals, responsibility, good work ethics, diligence, respect and consideration, fairness, decency, cooperation and sharing with others ...
And, while they're still young, a lot of preteens seem far more well-mannered, helpful, conscientious, and considerate than many adults you'll run into.

I wonder ..... 
What happens to a lot of those individuals later on, though? ....
Do they just, one day, decide "Hey, I'm grown up now.  I don't need this do-goody 'Romper Room' crap anymore.  I'm living in the REAL world now---I have to start being more realistic and down-to-earth.  From here on in it'll all be 'dog-eat-dog' and having to constantly 'one-up' those around me to keep from being swindled, scammed, and taken advantage of."?

...and they start being more aggressive, petulant, insensitive, rude, conspiring?

1 comment:

  1. Living in the insanity of the REAL world hardens you. The idealism of youth is quickly spoiled.
    the Ol'Buzzard
