Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Is Me Too Speculative For My Own Good?
What gets me about a lot of the "Me Too" crowd:
A lot of them seem to be the kind who would beat someone up for insulting their best friend
...or the kind who probably drive aggressively, disregarding essential traffic safety laws as it suits them
...or the "gossipy" type, given to all manner of slanders, defamation of others, and passing judgment on others based solely on various canards
...domineering, bossy, entitled and demanding of others, hostile and abusive

...while still expecting "moral perfection" from everyone else around them.

It's this hypocrisy that most bothers me about this movement, not any discounting on my part of a lot of the accounts being valid----although I'm sure there IS also plenty of hyperbole and misunderstandings (on the part of the victim) in some of the claims as well.

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