Friday, December 28, 2018

                 Governmental Control vs Privatizing
There are many who, when observing institutions run by either state or federal government agencies (such as the Postal Service, or the prison systems, or Social Security), contend that "government is only capable of mismanagement, politicizing anything it gets its hands on, and wasting taxpayer dollars"
...then they go on about "the virtues of" the private business and corporate sectors, and express the notion that privatizing these government agencies by turning them over to those private sectors would be a solution to resolving their (alleged) failings. which I say "No, not really".

For starters, panaceas almost never work nor live up to their promises (think: "Three Strikes" laws; sex offender registries; Me-Too; political correctness; quota systems; rehab programs; plans to "improve" traffic and public transit; dealing with school shootings by "arming school teachers")
...and the fact that the primary difference between governments and corporations is that governments exist mainly to regulate and control their citizens and resources, while corporations are mostly concerned with making profits and with how much they can pick from the pockets of consumers and customers in order to enhance their profit potentials.
...each under the guise of "serving the needs or desires of" the general public.

In short:  the alleged agendas of their services are, for the most part, a charade, just them going through the motions of "dutiful servitude" to their constituents, all the while covering up their true intentions, plotting how to subliminally exploit those they "serve".

Personally, I think corporate control will be just as bad as governmental control, and services and agencies will still ultimately end up just as big a mess under one as it will under the other.

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