Friday, December 28, 2018

              Immigration/ Health Care Fiascoes
If you want to know how I feel about the "border wall", I think it's little more than an elaborate fantasy trip.
The money allocated for it would be better invested in the creation of a 7th branch of the military, one whose specific duties would be to assist the Border Patrol agents and U.S. Customs.
A branch allowed full military authority and authorized use of lethal force if and when deemed necessary.

As for the dismantling of the Affordable Health Care Act?
First off, let me explain why, essentially, I'm in favor of some form of a universal health care system run by one's government:
It has not so much to do with how well or responsibly one takes care of their own health issues (a.k.a.: proper diet, healthy lifestyles, getting enough exercise) as it does with the fact that a lot in the world and in our lives are elements we have no control over:  being injured in accidents caused by another; viruses and contagious illnesses; dangerous conditions resulting from another's incompetence, neglect, or carelessness; inclement weather situations.

As for the Affordable Health Care Act----it was never really a universal health care system, as the insurance companies forced the Obama administration to taint it by infusing stipulations dictated by their agendas into it.
Hence, I've always had mixed emotions about it.  Although I doubt the current Trump administration is likely to come up with anything better, and, quite possibly, are liable to come up with a health care system even more inferior.  

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