Wednesday, May 14, 2014

So many who were obviously born-in-a-barn and raised in the woods by wolves.

Tyrants, extortionists, gangsters. Always using force and aggression to get their way.

But if you do or say even the slightest thing to offend them they're given the right to terrorize you or commit conspiracy against you over whatever it is you did or said (or both).
Yet it's still perfectly okay for them to be as odious as they want without retribution or retort (those who dare retort are severely punished as "verbal abusers").

And so many slobs who never pick up after themselves. How do such feckless asses come by the right to have drivers licenses, have sex, have and raise children, have authority, own homes, have businesses, obtain high-paying professions, own fancy gadgets (which they always use excessively and abusively in public and commercial spaces)?

                                                       Musings For Today
When certain things are inexplicable or too ambiguous it usually means you're being messed with or that others know something you don't.

Why is it every time the weather gets warm you always hear a lot of hammering and saws buzzing away?  Like every year they have to fix whatever falls apart during the winter but haven't been able to get around to until the weather cleared up. Every year it's the same ritual.  How come no-one ever builds anything to last?

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