Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Song Analysis: (If You Let Me Make Love To You Then) Why Can't I Touch You?

I remember the off comments radio disc jockeys would make when playing this 1970 hit by Ronnie Dyson:  "How can you make love to someone without touching them?".

It depends on what's meant by "make love".  Does it refer to actually getting laid or engaging in foreplay?  Or is it simply a term used to describe the relationship of "being boyfriend and girlfriend" itself?

And does "touch" mean physical contact?  Or are they having intimate physical contact, but at the same time not divulging anything personal?  And the request to "touch" actually means opening up more, to share more of each others' secrets?

Generally speaking, everybody tends to have their own brand of "legalese", hence interpersonal communication doesn't always run so smooth as a result.

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