Tuesday, October 31, 2017

                          We are all cultists
A cult is any ideology, group, or organization that demands unconditional loyalty to and belief in whatever it deems to be proper or to be true from its members (or those aspiring to be members).

The family is the first cult most people end up being a part of.
Parents raise their offspring to be loyal to "the family" first and foremost---loyal to the parents, to their siblings, to their grandparents, to the beliefs espoused by the parents.  Any show of individual autonomy on the part of any one offspring is looked upon as "treasonous" and "a betrayal of the family unit"
Children are never raised to be independent, to think or do for themselves, or to have a life of their own.

And the schools and churches are not much better.  They teach loyalty to the "community" and to the social mores, and to worship society and its "system".   And the notion that each person constantly "owes" everyone else around them, and to not do or say anything to another that could be interpreted as being "disparaging".

As a result we have a whole world of shills and sycophants, people who do not dare have thoughts of their own or act on their true desires or feelings, whose biggest concerns involve "fitting in" and "being accepted".

...and a world full of all kinds of cults for the people of the world to attach themselves to, as they've all been raised to commit themselves to others at their own expense ...
    ...just take a look for yourself at some of these typical collective cults:
*White Supremacists
*Black Lives Matter
*Men's Rights Activists
*Fraternal Order Of Police
*Tea Party
*The Corporations
*The Organizations
*Anti-union organizations
*Business Communities
*Arts Communities
*any person who identifies themselves via their ethnic background or ancestry, or by their social class/rank
*The Legal/Court Systems
*The Economic Systems
*The Military
*Sports teams and their fans
*Terrorist Organizations
*Militant Organizations

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