Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Another page straight from the diary of Sisyphus
I don't know what to do!  It's all driving me too shit-fucking crazy!!!

The non-stop parade of obstruction construction projects going on non-stop everywhere you look, for at least a good five years now, with no end in sight.
It's not just the noise (including the high-pitch "Chinese water tortures" of trucks and equipment when in reverse), but the blocks of excavations necessitating figuring out "detours" when walking or driving, not to mention having to walk blocks down the street just to find a bus stop that hasn't been temporarily put out of service.

Then there are all the things falling apart inside my apartment, including a wall panel on one end of my kitchen sink counter being loose, the fluorescent light in the closet burning out, "panel-eating disease" on the blinds of the bathroom window.
It's been but three years since they've finished fully rebuilding, refurbishing,  and remodeling this stupid building, and ever since it's been one thing after another coming unhinged---from the roof to the intercom system (which they're STILL coming around every three to six months to work on, again and again).

Now, I understand---one expects things to break down, wear out, or malfunction from time to time.  And for repair work or the erection of structures to cause inconveniences for a given period or time

That's what has me so psychopathic and ready to go completely insane.  If a project lasts only so long, then finally finishes in a timely manner, and everything goes back to normal
...or one thing goes on the fritz, and you either replace it or do without
...that's to be expected.

But,if one thing after another keeps coming at you like some perverse game of dodgeball where you're "fair game" no matter where you "stand", and where there's never any lulls in or respite from the intense activities all around you, how can one hope to keep their head on their shoulder?
This shit MUST stop some time!!
Like, maybe ...Yesterday!!  
...or a year ago! ....


  1. In the States we have a house in a gated community and every time we are there, someone is having work done in their houses or yards. We go there for a holiday and there's constant noise, dirt, dumpsters, vehicles, men shouting at one another etc. And then when they stop the gardeners arrive with leaf blowers.

  2. There's no "shangra-la" anyone can escape to anymore, is there?
    Overpopulation and overdevelopment, that's got to be the reason ....

  3. Agreed, over population and overdevelopment have eradicated most Shangri-La's, otherwise, I'd be looking to move there... but wait, then I'd become part of the problem rather than part of the solution, right? As for things breaking down, our Historic Home never had so much break down as this New Build 'Dream Home' we recently bought... they don't make 'em like they used to!
