Thursday, June 13, 2019

                        SHARE THE ROAD
                        MOTORISTS, BICYCLISTS, e-SCOOTERS

If we all band together we can do an even better job terrorizing and intimidating pedestrians:

Motorists  can run them over in the crosswalks and parking lots

Bicyclists and e-Scooters  can run them off the sidewalks and onto the curb, lawns, or the side of buildings

Let's show those worthless dregs on foot who's REALLY "boss of commuters"


  1. Whilst I was in Brighton people on bikes were ringing their bells and shouting at me. It took me 10 minutes to work out the pavement was divided into 2, and I was walking in the cyclists lane.

  2. At least there's a "cyclist lane" there.
    Here they expect pedestrians to share the sidewalks with bicycles, skateboarders, and e-scooters.
    ...and don't get me started on joggers (also known as "bicyclists without the wheels")
