Tuesday, June 18, 2019

It always amuses me the way normal people keep going on and on about "liberties", "freedom", "personal rights", and "one's right to choose"

...then sell themselves out to the social construct:
>Everyone wears the same clothes and styles
>Everyone "has to" get their tattoos
>Everyone has an iPhone or SmartPhone
>Everyone's personal vehicle is either a "jelly bean" shaped compact car, an S.U.V., or "monster-sized" pickup truck.  And every make and model of each type of vehicle all have the same features and same dimensions
>Everyone is a caricature of their ethnic ancestry, their gender, their social class, their academic level, their sexual preference, their political beliefs, their religious affiliation, their idealism, their subcultural affiliations
>Everyone watches the same latest movies, the same current television shows, and listens to the same latest popular music
>Everyone is obsessed with 24/7 sports and the current crop of "idol" professional and college athletes and coaches
>Everyone is constantly fixated on currently popular famous "idol" entertainers
>Everyone is obsessed with politics and politicians
>Everyone gravitates to current social trends like they were the "gospel" on how to live and behave
>No-one ever notices the parallels between the present social climate and what's happened in the past


  1. Poetic license "entitles" me to pigeonhole, prototype, and stereotype anyone I please
    ...especially the "collective whole"
