Tuesday, May 29, 2018

            Reasons why "The Law Is An Ass" (revisited)
I've been thinking:
How does anything happen anymore?
How does life happen anymore?  In such a regimented society?
I mean, how do people "have adventures" these days?
How does anyone interact, have fun, explore the world and life itself, goof around and just "cut loose" once in a while?

You can't jest and joke around and tease----all these laws against "verbal abuse".
You can't just venture anywhere to check out "what's happening on the other side"----too many laws against "trespassing" and too much paranoia concerning "suspicious" persons and potential terrorists and predators.

You can't be upfront with your emotional reactions:  if you yell too loud you're "disturbing the peace"; if you get upset and start throwing things you'll have the S.W.A.T. teams barging in with guns drawn; if you're candid toward someone you find attractive about any sexual desires you feel toward them you're assumed to be lascivious and accused of "harassing";  if you express independent views and opinions that don't harmonize with the proper narratives you're ostracized for being somehow treasonous toward your own society.

I understand the necessity of having laws and of putting certain individuals in charge to create and enforce them
...that the only alternative would be anarchy---which would be tragic, as then the social climate would quickly get taken over by the dominating personalities: the bullies, the hustlers, the charismatic, the self-assured snobs.

And I'm all for the original basic laws:  those against stealing, murder, bearing false witness, intentionally harming others except in self-defense
...but, over time, we've added too many "Invent-A-Laws", laws intended to appease the favored and cater to social prejudices and dogmas, and laws that only protect the financial interests of the upper echelon classes
...and laws created solely for the purpose of catering to the "power play" desires of those assigned to carry out the enforcement duties:  the police, the courts, the judges.

Societies are too regimented and controlling---often just for the purpose of "being in charge" and "reminding their 'lessers' and minions 'who's really boss'".

And, like I've said before, once any law is written and enacted it can be interpreted clinically, impartial to circumstance or overall reality
...like, for example, a man who's broke, hungry, and hasn't eaten for days grabs a sandwich in a convenient store out of desperation, but is stopped by the cashier on his way out.
And, elsewhere, a kleptomaniac is grabbed on his way out of a department store with an expensive shirt he's trying to steal "just for the hell of it"
...yet BOTH are still charged with the same offense---Petty Larceny.
The law never concerns itself with why an individual commits a certain offense.  Only with WHAT they've done, and whether or not their acts fit the clinical description of what constitutes an official violation of said law.
That's the extent of the concerns of the law. 

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