Tuesday, May 29, 2018

United we ...
     devour each other

The stereotypical utopianism  is one in which "everyone lives together in perfect harmony and loves each and every one of their brothers and sisters unconditionally".

But, the reality is----each of us, as individuals, have our own idiosyncrasies and beliefs, many of which are not compatible with just anyone else.

Just as one should never force the lions and lambs to share the same space, nor the wolves and rabbits to do so likewise---or should know enough not to mix certain chemicals and ingredients, some personalities should never share the same spaces.

Like it or not, the culture and social climate you grew up in, as well as whatever temperament one is born with, DOES make a difference in what kind of environment one can function in and in what kind of persons one can be in the presence of without incurring some kind of conflict or discomfort.

I'm not here to promote bigotry or anything like that.  I like the concept of flexibility and diversity.
But, like the Arizona cowboy trying to adjust to the fast pace and surly attitudes of Manhattan, some things and individuals are best kept away from certain others.

I say all this because of the way American society is so overzealous in the manner it's been pushing everyone together, forcing all of us to share the same spaces, the same streets, squeezing all of us together indiscreetly, regardless of background or social class.

Everywhere you sit---on public transit, in a restaurant, in the library---someone's always less than ten feet away from you
...a total stranger.

Too much proximity, with little more than a few Draconian behavior regulation laws to prevent total invasion of space.
But one still feels "violated", even when no-one's done anything to initiate such feelings.

I'm just not that keen on existing in such an overcrowded social environment.  It's too easy to be chronically interrupted and interfered with
...or at least feel that way. 

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