Monday, May 21, 2018

Sometimes I think blogging can become quite superfluous in nature after a while.
I mean, how may times can one go on and on about how "it's usually a waste of time to seek help from those in charge at times when you have a problem with the behavior and attitudes of another, like when that other person is either messing with you or being all-around inconsiderate
...when, often, those in charge will seldom take action, probably because those in charge usually have the same personality and character traits as the offending party, and will actually see the complainant as being the 'antagonist'"?

Or how, when talking or writing about "the origins of mankind", the only choices presented to us as available belief systems are either being a Biblical Absolutist or a secular Evolutionist?
...and both theories have so many obvious flaws in their logic and reasoning.  And no-one seems willing to seriously look into the matter any deeper in terms of in-depth analysis of available evidence, or of further imaginative speculations which could result in previously un-thought-of revelations.

Or why the experts keep insisting the phenomenon of "climate change" is all solely the result of man's altering the earth's landscape and polluting it with poisonous man-made chemicals, instead of also looking into other possibilities---like cosmic activity or naturally occurring planetary patterns interacting with human intervention as well?

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