Wednesday, February 27, 2019

                             Hobson's Choice (revisited)
Damn, my winter coat is getting a bit frayed.  I've had it a while though.  I could stand to replace it.

Problem is, with spring around the corner will the stores still be stocking winter apparel, what with their "seasonal" stocking practice?  I don't understand why they can't at least keep a handful of, say, winter coats in stock throughout the year, even in warmer weather, for those who wish to make a purchase of an item for future use.  It's not like if I buy a winter coat in March or April I intend to parade around in 95-degree (F) July weather wearing it while everyone else is strolling around in cut-offs and t-shirts.

It's like when you buy paper clips, you only need one or two, but you still have to buy the whole box of 500.

I'm old enough to remember when I could go into a record store and buy just one blank cassette tape if  that's all I thought I wanted at the time.  Then, years later, they started only offering pairs and packages of five and ten---eventually doing away with the pairs.


  1. If you lived in the UK you'd be able to buy a coat all year round. :D

  2. Just for the record, I did manage to find a really nice coat at a Goodwill store for only $25 (plus tax)
    ...Columbia Sportswear. In good shape.
    So I don't have to concern myself with any "retail politics" of the department store chains.
