Saturday, February 9, 2019

Where have all the sit-down full service restaurants gone?
Only a handful remain, and of those remaining chains only about 1/10 of the number of them remain scattered about.
These days it's all either ethnic or specialty "health conscious" eateries---vegetarian-based, or "grain-fed beef only served here".  And all exorbitantly priced with small portions at that.

I just crave the good old traditional "meat-and-potatoes, vegetable and rolls" type of  meal.  At an affordable price.
It's not like I'm not on any kind of "diet"
...well, actually, I am---my own "whatever I can afford and whenever I have time to eat/fix it" diet.

But I'm just saying it seems the restaurant and food industries have also been hijacked by the "social reformers" (the ones who want to lecture us about what's "for our own good")---the same way the television, movie, and music industries have.
All these "self-help" gurus have more authority and clout than even the government and police it seems.
Alas ....cue up a copy of DON'T WORRY, BE HAPPY ....or even THE OLD PHILOSOPHER ....


  1. There appear to be plenty of Applebee's and Red Robbins around that cater to everyone but I suppose you are right, even their menus don't really include meat and veg.

  2. Those two chains cater primarily to the "professional" class types.
    Not that I don't like them, I do. But, no, they're not like the mid-priced chains of the 60s, 70s, or 80s (International House of Pancakes, Sambos, and the like).
    These types of "trendy" style bar-and-grilles have been the norm for about a good two-and-a-half to three decades now.
