Friday, May 31, 2019

                                 Hobson's choice (revisited)
I noticed, as I was fixing myself something to eat, that anything I buy at the supermarket are items that others have predetermined should be made available for us consumers to purchase.
In other words, what's being offered to us are whatever SOMEONE ELSE has decided are what should be made available for us to choose from.

That is, they're controlling the narrative of "freedom of choice", counting on us to simply be passive and "accepting" of whatever's out there to choose from, however limited or monolithic the offerings.

When one thinks about "power tripping" they normally envision scenarios of strongarm-style physical force, threats, or coercion.  Or Draconian laws and penalties with strict enforcement.
Hardly ever does it occur to us that a great way for whoever's in charge to control people would be if said controllers "do all the work themselves" so as to better ensure the creation of an environment and social climate that fits their ideals, beliefs, criteria, and standards, leaving those they wish to control in a "passive" state, simply laying back and allowing themselves to be served whatever it is the "system" dishes out to them.

In short---one way to tyrannize the general populace is to assume a stance of "servility" so as to be able to control the "offerings" you present to them wherein the most pragmatic decision the controlled populace can make is to simply "take advantage of" what's being "dropped in their laps", of what's being made readily available to them.

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