Friday, May 31, 2019

The philosophical system of Thomas Hobbes---especially: The Hobbesian theory that people have a fundamental right to self-preservation and to pursue selfish aims but will relinquish these rights to an absolute monarch in the interest of common safety and happiness

Damn!!  "The History of Mankind", past, present, and future---summarized.

These days most modern-day "monarchs" are celebrities, the wealthy, the politicians and officials, the media, and upper-middle-class suburbanite types.
Don't bother mentioning the police, now, as they're essentially the "hatchet men" for these modern-day "monarchs".


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  2. Rianell:
    Please eat shit and go fuck yourself.
    Or get murdered or die in a horrific accident.
    Your existence is a waste of time and space.
    And if you're an A I I should wish whatever outfit harbors and programs you to fall victim to a EF-5 tornado, a 12.0 earthquake, a Category 6 hurricane, intense wildfire, or just major tsunami---with whoever's responsible for programming you present to be wiped off the face of the earth.
    Hope you all appreciate my sentiments and transparency in expressing my honest gratitude toward your "efforts".
