Saturday, May 18, 2019

Responsibility (revisited)

I find it amusing that the speed limit on one of the streets running through the Ohio State University area is 25 MPH.  College students never drive under 40 MPH as a rule.  The only time a college student ever goes under 40 MPH is after they've collided with another vehicle, almost run a red light, or nearly hit a pedestrian or bicyclist in a crosswalk.
They're among those who "don't have to be responsible", so they tend to be careless and insensitive/thoughtless in their ways and mannerisms.

I have this weird theory that the reason certain people are successful in life, or are able to simply glide along smoothly without being tripped up by a need for excessive self-consciousness due to "guilt trips" is because they're not bogged down by having to answer for every damn thing they do or say of a thoughtless or reckless nature or that would cause another certain hardships.
And without those obstacles in their way they can go about doing whatever it is they normally do without constant interference by others getting in their face over each and every infraction that results in their having "carelessly cut" someone else.

It's like this:
If Einstein had to answer for everything he said that someone else found "offensive" we'd probably never have gotten The Theory of Relativity, for he'd have been too distracted by "social contract" to focus on anything else.

Likewise, if Edgar Allan Poe had to register each month as a "sex offender" with the local constabulary for having married his 14-year-old cousin (including having to attend all the legally-mandated counseling sessions that accompany being put in such a category) do you think he'd ever have had a chance to get around to writing such classics as MURDERS IN THE RUE MORGUE, THE RAVEN, or THE TELL-TALE HEART?

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