Thursday, January 23, 2014

You'll read or hear stories about men who lose their jobs (or worse) as a result of exaggerated claims of "sexual harassment", stemming from mildly inappropriate comments, jokes, gestures, or behaviors those around them overreact to and whose significance gets blown out of proportion to the point where their behavior is painted up as being something along the line of epitomizing some sort of "conspiracy against women".

Then you'll read or hear stories about women who lose their jobs (or worse) as a result of rejecting the advances of male bosses or coworkers who make lewd innuendos about them and aggressive advances toward them. this a war-on-women or a war-on-men?  What is the truth on this matter?

I say BOTH types of scenarios are accurate.
But why, in one situation, is the man scapegoated for making inappropriate gestures toward his female coworkers, while in another setting the woman gets scapegoated for defying similar gestures coming from her male coworkers?

Personally, I think the "gender wars" rhetoric is often a front for what's actually more likely a war against certain types of individuals: the odd-ones-out, the loner, the reclusive, the eccentric.

You see, alpha type personalities rule.  The overprivileged, the ones with a lot of money, or a lot of friends, or a lot of prestige, a lot of charisma, or perhaps just the best-looking.
Those types of personalities always enjoy special liberties and seem to be eternally exonerated no matter what they do (unless it's something really extreme).

Whereas the socially awkward, or seemingly weakwilled, or aesthetically unappealing are not valued much by society-in-general, and often regarded as society's "gutters", to be spit and pissed on;  the ones society dumps all its garbage on;  the ones who get blamed for all that's wrong with a society too lazy or unconcerned to ever go through the bother of finding any REAL solutions to its dilemmas.

In short, those men and women who get in trouble or get blamed are most likely those near the bottom of the social ladder.  Or at least so in their workplace anyway.

                                                              Remember:  It's not what you do.  It's who you are.


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