Monday, September 5, 2011

One way to define "regulation"

Let's say you're holding a meeting and 10 guests have been invited.  So you brew 10 cups of coffee and lay out 10 donuts and 10 sandwiches on the counter and post a sign stating: HELP YOURSELF.
Well, when the last 5 guests arrive each one complains that there were no more donuts or sandwiches left and the coffee pot was empty.

So, the next time you hold a meeting and 10 guests are invited you brew 10 cups of coffee and lay out 10 donuts and 10 sandwiches on the counter.  But this time you hire a host (or hostess) to hand out one of each to each guest as they enter the conference room.

That's one example "regulating".  Structured oversight of a given activity or operation

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